Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Staying Away from Online "money makers"

I thought it would be very valuable for me to quickly give you a run down on my past experience with online money makers. If reading this, you've probably found an idea that was very convincing that you would make lots of money for practically no work. Well, let me just say that the old saying "If its too good to be true, it probably isn't" applies completely to online money making schemes.

Some of the most popular are the online paid surveys. While there are a limited amount of actual real surveys that pay you online, none of them come from websites that look like they were thrown together, or have titles such as,, or These are all schemes to get people to pay $10-$40 for a "subscription" to a list of paying suveyers. These surveyers do not really pay you, but instead if you go through all of their hoops, you will end up having to buy certain products in order to get gift certificates instead of real money.

Also, craigslist is notorious for online jobs that where you have to pay for information or software. Do not fall into these traps. They rely on people who buy this software to simply market to others on all sorts of websites to buy this same "software" through them instead of really having a legitimate business idea. You will be glad you did not throw your money away on these.

Always Check with if you are suspicious of a money making scheme online.

Now for a few ideas where you can actually make money online.

Writing: If you have experience writing in certain subjects there are many websites that will pay you to publish articles, reviews, or opinions on topics that are relevant for their needs. Some of these are The minimun monthly pay for is $750. pays people to be human search engine guides. This pay is around $.25 per question you answer. Not too bad if you would like to do searches for people's questions. pays their writers per people who visit their media content that is published onto their site.

These are some of the legitimate sites that you can actually make money. I would love it if this guide has been able to help you and save you money from an unethical online money making scheme. Send me a note!


Anonymous said...

Good info, I've always wondered about these online survey sites...looks like they're a scam afterall!

Anonymous said...

I agree, nothing like a money-making opportunity based in the REAL economy

Slots Odds said...

Useful idea